Published Studies
F R Carrick Guido Pagnacco Elena Oggero Matthew M Antonucci Susan Elizabeth Esposito Derek Barton James Duffy Background: Off vertical axis and multiplane whole body vestibular rotational therapy has received great attention by major network television and press subsequent to its utilization in the treatment of sports concussions and other traumatic brain injuries that result […]
Frederick R. Carrick1*, David J. Traster1*, Susan Esposito2* and Matthew Antonucci1* 1 Carrick Institute, United States 2 Life University, United States Background: We describe a 27 year old female who presents with a seven year history of concussions. She complains of headaches, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, nausea, depression and speech difficulties. Methods: A diagnosis of a centrally maintained vestibulopathy secondary […]
Frederick R. Carrick1*, David J. Traster1*, Susan Esposito2* and Matthew Antonucci1* 1 Carrick Institute, United States 2 Life University, United States Background: We describe a male in his 60’s who presents with a three year history of vertigo. Episodes of three to eight hour durations would produce dizziness, disorientation, tinnitus, as well as memory and cognitive difficulties. Methods: A centrally maintained […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, 2, Brian J. Sass1, 2* and Chris M. Sass1, 2 1 Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2 Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies, United States Presentation: A 22 year old female visited our clinic in Atlanta, GA from 8/22/2015 to 8/25/2015. She presented with the main complaint of severe exhaustion/fatigue, anxiety, fogginess, visual disturbances, sound sensitivity, dizziness, and […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, 2, Brian J. Sass1, 2* and Chris M. Sass1, 2 1 Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2 Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies, United States Background: A 56 year old female patient presented with excruciating headaches and head pressure that has been present for 17 years after an head injury. She was unable to walk unassisted when she […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, 2, Brian J. Sass1, 2* and Chris M. Sass1, 2 1 Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2 Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies, United States Presentation: 24 year old professional hockey player presented with anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and balance issues. He had sustained two previous head injuries while playing hockey. The patient was evaluated diagnostically by the use […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, 2, Brian J. Sass1, 2* and Chris M. Sass1, 2 1 Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2 Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies, United States Presentation: A 44 year old medical professional with a history of increased intracranial pressure presented with daily pulsating headaches, pulsatile tinnitus, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating. His difficulty concentrating was his main complaint initially. […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, 2, Brian J. Sass1, 2* and Chris M. Sass1, 2 1 Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2 Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies, United States Presentation: A 39 year old medical professional presented with headaches, difficulty concentrating, difficulty remembering, fatigue, feeling “in a fog”, and increased emotionality. Each of these were 6/6 on subjective symptom assessment. The patient […]
Matthew M. Antonucci1, 2, Brian J. Sass1, 2* and Chris M. Sass1, 2 1 Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2 Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies, United States Presentation: A 16 year old high school hockey player presented with headaches and dizziness following a prior mild traumatic brain injury while playing hockey. The patient was evaluated diagnostically by the use of […]
Multimodal Neurological Approach to a Professional Athlete with Anxiety and Post-Concussive Syndrome
Matthew M. Antonucci1, 2, Brian J. Sass1, 2* and Chris M. Sass1, 2 1 Plasticity Brain Centers, United States 2 Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies, United States Background: A 24 year old professional hockey player presented with anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and balance issues. He had sustained two previous head injuries while playing hockey. Examination: The patient presented with a pathological […]